My coworkers and I are among the top erotic photo hunt players in New York City.
Erotic Photo Hunt is a game consisting of two nearly identical images of the cheesiest semi-nude “models” you can imagine set in “classy” backdrops where you must identify five differences in a ever-shortening time period.
We took the step of dividing up the team into specialties – hair, apparel, background, with secondary targets of footwear, breasts, pool balls.
The idea of canvassing the city (Manhattan only) and claiming high score spot domination has been discussed. As has attempting to find an expensibile angle for the $4,000 street cost of a Megatouch Force 2004 so we can practice during breaks at work.
UPDATE: I have added a wiki to track locations for EPH/Word Dojo as well as high scores. the password to edit is ‘coreyh’.