nyrr holiday 4-mile

9574-018-017fNYRR Holiday 4-Mile
List by Name: Corey Henderson

Distance: 4.0 Miles, 6.4 Kilometers
Date/Time: Dec. 3, 2005, 9:30 am
Location: Central Park, NYC
Weather: 32 deg., 57% humidity, cloudy

Bib #: 4541
City/State: NEW YORK  NY
Overall Place: 686
Gender Place: 546
Net Time: 30:10
Pace/Mile:  7:32

Total Finishers: Men – 2201 Women – 2366 Total – 4567

I missed my sub-30 minute goal and I am pretty motivated to do better at these distance events. Genetically speaking I feel like I should be able to do well at distances under 10k, and I need to figure out a training scheme that will get me there.

I am a big fan of these NYRR races, they have a nice balance of social, competitive, community and active aspects. The picture to the right is actually from the 5M Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving in Southport, CT.
