Hurricane relief benefit concert OCT 5th at the Somerville Theatre and
we want you to come.The event is NEW MUSIC, NEW HOPE, NEW ORLEANS, a Boston hurricane
relief benefit concert featuring Apollo Sunshine (2005 Boston Music
Award winner), Mieka Pauley (2005 Boston Music Award winner), Protokoll
and other artists. Doors open 7pm – music starts at 8pm. Tickets $12
on sale now at the box office, concert website and with Ticketmaster
soon. Please visit to purchase tickets
and find more information about the bands, the cause and the event.The funds will be donated to the American Red Cross and the Tipitina’s
Foundation for Artist Relief, which supports displaced artists and is
helping to rebuild the New Orleans music community. All profits, not
just a portion of the profits, will be donated to relief efforts.Please help by getting your tickets early online and spreading the word
to all your friends and neighbors.
All the best and see you on October 5th