I got impatient. Microsoft announced SP1 of Vista and I couldn’t wait for it to trickle out onto MSDN. I installed SP1 on my three main machines.
- It seemed to dramatically reduce HDD chugging on my laptops, especially on startup. This was a big deal for me.
- My Toshiba M200 power management problem is still there, but thanks to bullet #1 it is easier to recovery from. (Every other time the computer sleeps, the LCD won’t come back on)
- My custom desktop was rock solid before and it is rock solid now. No change noticed.
- When using remote desktop to get to the “console” session you can’t use /console anymore. You have to use /admin. There’s a post here that explains why.
I don’t really recommend anyone else go out and install it until the general release exactly, but I’m 3-for-3, all I’m sayin’.