
logo-circle March 4th, 2008 is Notches launch day.

Much of this information was already available if you knew where to look or who to talk to, but today, for the first time, we are talking publicly about our business. Straight from the new homepage:

Notches is a free, open, universal platform for reviews. We’re building a network of applications, partners and cool tools. Reviews written in any of the network’s sites will be part of the Notches system everywhere. All the pieces share a common back-end which handles the heavy lifting.

There’s a new homepage

Platforms need applications. We are ready to launch two of our own. These tools are built entirely on the API — the same API available to developers. Hopefully they demonstrate some of the range of things that can be build on Notches. They are fully functional, you can check them out right now. We’ll continue to refine them going forward; this is a taste of what’s to come.

There is a lot to talk about. I can’t cover it all in one post, so we’ll cover each of these things on their own in separate posts.

(cross posted from the Notches Blog) Tags: ,,

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