1. aww bless she looks like she’s had chemo or somwthing she needs a good hairdresser and a decent make-up artist ,in desperate need of a makeover!! xx

  2. OMFG!!! The poor sweetie ;[ How the hell did they end up getting her hair to look like that?!? Goodness. I’d Sue!!!!!!!!!!! xD Actually i dont no if yew can sue for that o_o

    lol, but omg. Poor darlin’ ;'[ Your Hair all gone ;'[ I’m feelin’ ur pain sista!!!!

  3. I dunno, I think it looks neat.

    It isn’t your standard cliche celebrity hair. Kudos to her for being different!

    I like it.

  4. I just noticed that the post showing her picture also says "Worth 1000 photoshop contest. "

    So it’s not real for any of you that were about to faint lol

  5. that bitch looks like a man!!! what the fuck happen to her. she looks like she got fuck up by a weed eater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. holy shit!!wtf happened here!!..haha..shes fucked..shes a he..lol..thats funnie shit man!!…

    P.S::..get a better hair dresser!!hahahahaha

  7. omg please people it is fake. omg omg omg omg yall R so fucked up. get a life. or at least 90% of all. assmunches

  8. OMG!!!!!!! this is fake but if any1 had hair like that id feel really sorry for them! they could have cancer or sumthin nd u r al here makin fun of them!!!!!! im ashamed! poor Mariah! y make fun of her????? shes a nice girl nd u go nd do tht!!!! well im outa here! bye evry1 x

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